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narrative arc,narrative的定义


arc [英[ɑ:k] 美[ɑ:rk] ] arc的意思、解释过去式:arced; 过去分词:arced; 现在分词:arcing; arc 基本解释名词综合症状;弧(度); 天穹;电弧,弧光。不及物动词形成拱状无非就是「开端──发展──高潮──结局」形成一段拱形的完整叙事,是所有叙事形式都适用的术语,并非

The present narrative arc and its different threads and objectives will determine certain outcomes, particularly in terms of the technological edge some empires may gaiAnother feature ofnarrativetime is embodied in itsnarrativefrequency. 这一显著性首先体现在其碎片化的叙事时间上。The stock case study presents a tidynarrativearc,

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