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postscript,po stscript 介绍


o(╯□╰)o 1. A brief, hand-writtenpostscriptlay beneath his signature. 在他的签名下,有一句简短的手写附言。来自柯林斯例句2. There was the usual romanticpostscriptat the enpostscript n. 1. ~ (to sth) (加于信末的)附言,又及an extra message that you add at the end of a letter after your signature 2. ~ (to sth) 补充;补编;后话;跋extra fa

╯▂╰ postscript是什么意思,postscript怎么读语音:英音[ˈpəʊstskrɪpt] 美音[ˈpoʊstskrɪpt] postscript 基本解释n.(信末签名后的)附言,又及;正文后的)补充说明postscript 记忆方法在学习之前,你需要两个软件:GhostScript 和SumatraPDF 。GhostScript 是PostScript 的一个开源解释器;SumatraPDF 是一个文档阅读器,默认支持PDF,结合GhostScript 可以支持

He added a brief postscript to his speech, giving the latest figures. 他演讲完又补充说了一些最新数字。详细解释:post.scriptn.Abbr. P.S.,p.s.,PS(名词)缩写P.S.,p.sPostScript [ Ado85 ]代表那时最先进的2D渲染技术. 期刊摘选Postscript: after all, leaves offset the natural change. Death as Shengruxiahua Akiba ah! 后记:叶终归抵

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