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visual analogies,visual and verbal


这正是保罗·维利里奥这部《视觉机器》如今要回答的问题,他试图澄清再现手法演变的意义。在这种再现中,城邦的“公共空间”突然让步于“公(展开全部) 视觉机器的创作者· ··· 保罗在该段中,含有与require意思相近的关键词ask(如下红色字体),其所在句子(如下蓝色字体)中ask后面的第一个不定式内容“to complete verbal and visual analogies”正是选项D的同义替

?ω? IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar ta9plete verbal and visual analogies完成语言和视觉类比visual a.视觉的~ effect 视觉效果draw an analogy between our heart and a pump analogy ---s

翻译自:How To Think Visually Using Visual Analogies – Infographichttps://blog.adioma/how-to-think-visually-using-visual-analogies-infographic/【3】IQ testsaskyou [D]to completeverbal and visualanalogies,[B]to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequence

Visual analogies are powerful communication aids that when used appropriately can convey a message in one instant, that could take paragraphs of prose, or more, to apprVisualAnalogies—Metaphors Visual analogies politicalcartoons consist simplifiedsituations, characters, objectsdesigned morecomplex issues. Rather th

IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similVisualAnalogies 系统标签:analogiesvisualmcquainintrosolvingfigures VisualAnalogiesIntroProblemSolvingComputerScienceCS@VT2012McQuainVisualAnalogyht

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