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“CreateAccount”oncefinished.Accountcreationsuccessful.ClickUserIDpasswordyoujustcreated.ClickLogin.yourhomepage.youstillhaveloginissues,contactCli•Creating and maintaining your Mi Account.Personal information collected when you create a Mi Account on our websites or through our mobile device
Manage your Adobe Account profile, password, security options, product and service subscriptions, privacy settings, and communication preferences.Created with Sketch. 用户协议隐私政策帮助中心中文(简体) 登录注册邮箱/手机号码/小米ID 密码已阅读并同意小米帐号用户协议和隐私政策登录忘记密码?手机号登录
Common issues with creating a Mi Account Why can't I use a device with an IoT card as a recovery phone? How old do I have to be to create an account? Didn't receIf you have not registered a Xiaomi account or a developer account, please refer to [Create a Mi account] or [Become a Mi developer]; When the password is lost and you c