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visual thesaurus


ˇ▂ˇ 网站名称:visualthesaurus 周博搜索评分:★★★☆☆ 网站地址:百度不告诉你网站缩略图:网站介绍:VisualThesaurus是一个互动性质的可视化的同义词汇编辞典。超Graphwords is a visual thesaurus and dictionary to help you explore English words. Find meanings of words and their associations in easy way using this online

12 Oct 2023 - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions VisualThesaurus视觉可视化电子字典是交互式可视化的同义词汇编辞典。超过14.5万字和11.5万字。单词和单词的显示方式以树型结构扩展,具有接近单词之间的交互性,记忆变得容易。

≥﹏≤ Visual Thesaurus V3.01安装序列号:VT3UPKT3UVYQYVB 解压方法1  从百度网盘上下载压缩包。下载之后全部解压到一个文件夹中。这是解压完成后的样子:2 选择名为“Visual.Thesaurus《可视化电子字典》Visual Thesaurus Desktop Edition)v3.01.Build.1222.Desktop.Edition.Regged 《牛津简明英语词典》Conc…fengxinzi810.blog.163|基于4个网页释义

thesaurus/ thesaurus网页直接在搜索框输入你想找的单词,比如“good”,点击搜索,出现如下结果:搜索good出现的同义词同义词按颜色深浅排列,相似度越高,颜色越深。2. Visual t"Visual Thesaurus offers an engaging way to explore the English language. You enter a word and then choose a path. Type in booty, for example, and follow the loot

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