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rainmeter installer,雨滴桌面软件介绍


本吧热帖:1-【吧规】用户发帖规范与Rainmeter吧吧规2-【导航】Rainmeter吧导航帖3-【技术交流】关于Rainmeter卸载报错,以及大小异常的解决方法4-【技术交In order to install or update Rainmeter from the command line, execute the installer .exe using one or more of the following case-sensitive parameters on the command line:/S : Requir

When the Rainmeter installer opens, uncheck the ‘Apply included layout’option if you don’t want everything loaded at once. Then, click ‘Install’to continue. WhenIf you're using Rainmeter for the first time, you should install the Recommended themes: Enigma, Gnometer and APB. To change between these themes, right click Rainmeter's system tray

是的话,恭喜你,以后只要在出现桌面后在开MODERM就行了The first thing you’ll need to do is grab a copy of the latest version of theRainmeter installer, which as of this writing is version 1.3. 您需要做的第一件事是获


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